USGS Classic Manitou Springs Colorado 7.5'x7.5' Topo Map
Historical USGS topographic quad map of Manitou Springs in the state of Colorado. Scale: 1:24000. Print size: 24" x 27"
This quadrangle is in the following counties: El Paso, Teller.
The map contains contour lines, roads, rivers, towns, lakes, and grids including latitude / longitude and UTM / MGRS. Printed on high-quality waterproof paper with UV fade-resistant inks.
Contains the following named places: Frosty Park, Valley Reservoir Number 2, Valley Reservoir Number 1, Cabin Creek, South Fork French Creek, North Fork French Creek, Cavern Gulch, Williams Canyon, Black Canyon, Almagre Mountain, Nelson Camp, Saint Marys Falls, Stove Mountain, Mount Rosa, Buffalo Canyon, Sweetwater Creek, Seven Falls, Jackson Cemetery, Mount Cutler, Silver Cascade Falls, Helen Hunt Falls, Kineo Mountain, Mays Peak, Mount Buckhorn, Gardiner Gulch, Hunters Run, Bear Canyon, Lion Creek, Mount Garfield, Mount Arthur, Tenney Crags, Jones Park, Lake Moraine, Ruxton Creek, Seep Creek, South Ruxton Creek, Sheep Creek, Big Tooth Reservoir, Willow Creek, Marys Mountain, Sheep Mountain, Midway, Grandview Rock, Minnehaha, Ruxton Park, Mount Manitou, Dark Canyon, Cameron Cone, Crystal Park, Rocky Mountain, Artists Glen, Gog Rock, Magog Rock, Butterworth Flat, Eagle Mountain, Red Mountain, Engelmann Canyon, Ship Rock, Balanced Rock, Manitou Springs, Iron Mountain, Sugarloaf Mountain, Sutherland Creek, Palmer Trail, Penrose Trail, Point Sublime, Deer Park, High Park, Big Tooth Reservoir Dam, Lake Moraine Dam, Mount Baldy Dam, Stratton Reservoir, Manitou Reservoir, Garden of the Gods, Indian Trail, North Cheyenne Park, KXRE-AM (Manitou Springs), Siamese Twins, Pigs Eye, Saint Peters Dome Pegmatite Prospect, Dorothy O Claim, Duffields Mine, Bock Pit, Stove Mountain Claims, Eureka Tunnel Mine, Wheeler Pit, Crystal Valley Cemetery, Pikes Peak Division, Cheyenne Mountain School Cabin (historical), Green Settlement, Manitou Springs Post Office, Neeper Cabin, Old Mountain View (historical), Clemet Cabin, Manitou Springs High School, Manitou Springs Middle School, Manitou Springs Elementary School, City of Manitou Springs, Rainbow Falls, Manitou Springs Fire Department, Manitou Springs Police Department