Historic 1914 Cholame California 30'x30' Topo Map
Historical USGS topographic map of Cholame in the state of California. Scale: 1:125000. Print size: 17" x 24"
This map was published in 1914 and is in the following counties: Fresno, Kern, Kings, Monterey, San Luis Obispo.
The map contains contour lines, roads, rivers, towns, streams, and lakes. Printed on high-quality waterproof paper with UV fade-resistant inks.
Contains the following named places: Acebedo Ranch, Alfalfa Ranch, Arroyo del Camino, Avenal Canyon, Avenal Canyon Mine, Baby King Canyon, Baby King Creek, Big Tar Canyon, Big Tar Creek, Bitterwater Canyon, Black Mountain, Bluestone Ridge, Boy Scout Camp, Bullpen Canyon, California Flats, California Flats Canyon, Canyon Ranch, Castle Mountain, Catfish Lake, Catskin Canyon, Cedar Canyon, Cholame, Cholame Creek, Cholame Ranch, Cholame Valley, Clark Ranch, Clarke Ranch, Cormack Canyon, Cottonwood Camp, Cottonwood Canyon, Cottonwood Creek, Cottonwood Pass, Covington Lake, Dawson Mine, Deadman Gap, Eddy Camp, Fahey Ranch, Falls Canyon, Flattop, Franciscan Creek, Garza Peak, Gold Hill, Gruenhagen Flat, Hay Flat, Hodges Canyon, Hog Ranch, Holland Canyon, Hopper Canyon, Hughes Canyon, Indian Creek, Indian Creek, Ingram Canyon, Iron Spring Ranch, Jack Canyon, Jackson and Reinhert Ranch, Joaquin Canyon, Kerr Lake, King Canyon, Kings Mine, Kreyenhagen Ranch, La Jolla Creek, Lang Canyon, Lavrock Canyon, Lee Canyon, Little Cholame Creek, Long Lake, Manzanita Canyon, McDonald Canyon, McGovern Gap, McMillan Canyon, Merrill Cabin, Middle Canyon, Middle Mountain, Miller Flats, Moore Cabin, Mud Springs Canyon, Murphy Hill, O'Brien Lake, Oak Flat, Oak Grove Canyon, Orchard Ranch, Palo Prieto Canyon, Patriquin Mine, Pfost Gulch, Picacho Rock, Pine Canyon, Pine Canyon, Point of Rocks, Poison Oak Canyon, Quail Water Creek, Ragged Top, Red Hills, Red Rock Canyon, Reedwater Canyon, Reese Canyon, Riley Cabin, Salt Canyon, San Juan Ranch, Segaser Ranch, Shandon, Shandon Flat, Shedd Canyon, Shimmin Canyon, Slocum Canyon, Sommers Prospect, Still Canyon, Still Lake, Stoker Canyon, Stone Corral Canyon, Stone Corral Flats, Sulphur Spring Canyon, Sulphur Spring Canyon, Taylor Cabin, Taylor Canyon, Taylor Ranch, The Dark Hole, The Turtle Hole, Todds Spring Canyon, Tucker Canyon, Turkey Flat, Twisselmann Lake, Upton Canyon, Upton Ranch, Walters Camp, White Canyon, White City Canyon, White Mine, Wilkinson Canyon, Willow Spring Canyon, Willow Springs Canyon, Wolf Canyon, Wood Canyon, Wood Canyon, Woods Canyon, Yokum Bend, Yost Cabin, El Dombo, Pyramid Hills, Gillis Canyon, Hilbrich Grade, Little Avenal Creek, Little Tar Canyon, Lovel Canyon, Table Mountain, Cholame, Kecks Corner, Dagany Gap, Devils Den, Drillers Ridge, El Campo, El Lobo, El Paso, Palo Prieto Pass, Polonio Pass, Poso Ortega, Sawtooth Ridge, Shale Hills, Sunflower Valley, Arroyo Chico, Arroyo Conchoso, Arroyo Delgado, Arroyo Escaso, Arroyo Mellado, Arroyo Menudo, Arroyo Ramoso, Arroyo Raso, Arroyo Somero, Avenal Creek, Avenal Ridge, Barrel Valley, Bud Canyon, Bullwheel Ridge, Choice Valley, Cottonwood Creek, Kettleman Plain, La Caldera, La Oveja, Orchard Peak, Packwood Creek, Raven Pass, Reef Ridge, Tent Hills, Camatta Canyon, Camatta Creek, Long Canyon, San Juan Creek, San Juan Valley, San Luis Canyon, Tin Pan Canyon, Devils Den Oil Field, Antelope Pumping Station, Bitterwater Pumping Station, Cottonwood Pumping Station, Sandy Canyon, Chalk Buttes, Cholame Hills, Roundtop, Tar Peak, Annette, Block Hill, Blue Point, Cerro Alto, Cerro Ultimo, El Leon, El Loro, El Mirador, Indian Rocks, Johnson Peak, Mesa Roida, Mine Mountain, Mustang Peak, Parkfield, Reef Station, Three Peaks, Zwang Peak, Berrenda Mesa 1051 Dam, Devil Den, Acebedo, Durham Ranch, Hancock Ranch, Harlan Ranch, Hillman Ranch, Oak Canyon, C W Clarke Ranch, Eagle Hills, Eddy Ranch, Eddys Camp, Hillman Ranch, Iverson Ranch, Jack Ranch, Kester Ranch, Kester Ranch, Ludeke Ranch, Poison Water Pond, Sacramento Ranch, Shandon Pump Station