Historic 1891 Colfax California 30'x30' Topo Map
Historical USGS topographic map of Colfax in the state of California. Scale: 1:125000. Print size: 17" x 24"
This map was published in 1891 and is in the following counties: El Dorado, Nevada, Placer, Sierra.
The map contains contour lines, roads, rivers, towns, streams, and lakes. Printed on high-quality waterproof paper with UV fade-resistant inks.
Contains the following named places: Adams Pit, Alameda Tunnel, Alpha Diggings, American Eagle Mine, American River Trail, Anderson Mine, Anderson Pit, Anna Sue Mine, Bachelor Pit, Bake Oven, Balloon Ridge, Basin Mine, Bauer Mine, Bear Wallow, Bear Wallow Tunnel, Beehive Mine, Big Bend, Big Chief Mine, Big Gun Diggings, Big John Hill, Big John Ridge, Big Oak Flat, Big Valley Bluff, Black Oak Mine, Blackhawk Mine, Blue Canyon, Blue Cut, Blue Lead Mine, Bogus Thunder, Bowen Mine, Bower Mine, Britt Mine, Brushy Canyon, Brushy Creek, Buckeye Pit, Bullion Mine, Bunch Canyon, Burlington Ridge, Burnett Canyon Trail, Burnham Pit, Burnt Flat, Burroughs Pit, Burroughs Tunnel, Butte Mine, Byrds Valley, Camels Hump, Cameron Mine, Campbell Creek, Cape Horn Tunnel, Central Mine, Chalk Bluff Ridge, Chicken Hawk Campground, China Wall Iowa Hill Ditch, Clara Tunnel, Codfish Point, Comet Mine, Damascus, Dana Ranch, Daniel Webster Mine, Darling Mine, Deadman Creek, Deadmans Flat, Deadwood, Derby Mine, Devils Basin, Devils Canyon, Devils Gate, Devils Thumb, Diamond Heart Ranch, Dinner Tree, Ditch Camp, Dix Mine, Dorer Mine, Dorer Ranch, Double O Mine, Drum Forebay, Drummond Pit, Eastman Mine, El Dorado Canyon, El Dorado Hill Mine, Elkhorn Mine, Elliot Ranch, Eureka Tunnel, Excelsior, Fairview Number One Mine, Fairview Number Two Mine, Fish Creek, Forks House, Forks House Trail, Franklin Pit, Franklin Pit, Fulda Creek, Gas Hill Mine, Giant Gap Ridge, Giant King Mine, Gillis Hill, Golden Chief Mine, Golden Gate Mine, Golden River Tunnel, Gorman Pit, Gorman Ranch, Grey Eagle Mine, Grouse Creek Trail, Grouse Ridge, Harkness Mine, Helester Point, Herman Mine, Hermit Mine, Hidden Treasure Mine, Hidden Valley, Hidden Valley Ranch, Hinchy Mine, Hoffman Pits, Holbrook Flat, Honey Tunnel, Hornby Mine, Hotchkiss Hill, Howell Hill, Humbug Bar, Humbug Canyon, Humbug Ridge, Imperial Mine, Indian Bar, Indian Creek, Indian Flat, Italian Bar, Italian Bar Trail, Jarvis Tunnel, Jefferson Canyon, Jefferson Creek, John Brown Flat, Junction Bar, Kelly Lake, Keokuk Mine, King Woolford Mill Site, Last Chance, Lightfoot Pit, Lightfoot Tunnel, Little Brown Bear Creek, Little Codfish Creek, Little Mosquito Creek, Little Oak Flat, Live Oak Ravine, Lloyd Mine, Logan Canyon, Lost Camp Mine, Lowell Hill, Lupine Point, Lynn Mine, Maintop, Mammoth Spring Mine, Manhattan Mine, Marrs Mine, Mary Anna Mine, Maxwell Sawmill, McKilligan Creek, Middle Branch El Dorado Canyon, Mitchell Mine, Monumental Creek, Moody Ridge, Mosquito Narrows, Mosquito Ridge, Mosquito Ridge Lookout, Mountain Chief Mine, Mountain Chief Tunnel, Mountain Gate Tunnel, Muir Mine, Negro Jack Hill, New Caledonia Mine, New England Mills, Old Vore Mine, Omega Diggings, Oro Mine, Osborne Tunnel, Owl Creek, Pacific Mine, Pacific Slab Mine, Peters Mine, Pine Nut Mine, Pioneer Mine, Pleasant Point, Poor Mans Canyon, Poorman Creek, Quail Trap Ravine, Rainbow Land Mine, Rainbow Mine, Ralston Mine, Rapps Ravine, Rattlesnake Mine, Rawhide Mine, Red Point, Rising Sun Mine, Root Hog Mine, Roscoe Creek, Rose Mountain Mine, Rublin Mine, Russel Mine, Sailor Ravine, Salvation Ravine, Sauer Kraut Bite Mine, Scotchman Creek, Skillman Flat, Skunk Canyon, Slaughter Ravine, Sleepy Hollow, Probable Donner Trail, Forest Hill Divide, North Fork Steephollow Creek, Sawtooth Ridge, Smuthers Ravine, Snow Bird Mine, Sore Finger Point, Sourdough Pit, Specimen Gulch, Specimen Pit, Spring Canyon, Star Town Mine, Stoney Bar, Stump Canyon, Stumps Bar, Sunny South, Swamp Angel Mine, Swan Lake Junior, Swiftshore Mine, Tanners Point, Tanners Point Trail, Thimbleberry Creek, Third Brushy Canyon, Three Queens Mine, Tickell Mine, Towle Mill Site, Turkey Hill Mine, Union Canyon, Upper Boardman Canal, Von Humboldt Mine, Washburn Mine