Classic USGS Buffalo Hump Idaho 7.5'x7.5' Topo Map
Historical USGS topographic quad map of Buffalo Hump in the state of Idaho. Typical map scale is 1:24,000, but may vary for certain years, if available. Print size: 24" x 27"
This quadrangle is in the following counties: Idaho.
The map contains contour lines, roads, rivers, towns, and lakes. Printed on high-quality waterproof paper with UV fade-resistant inks, and shipped rolled.
Contains the following named places: Arlington Ridge, Atlas Mill, Atlas Mine, Bear Lake, Big Buffalo Mine, Brandon Creek, Brandon Lakes, Buffalo Hump, Bull Creek Ridge, Butcher Creek, Concord Hill, Crackerjack Mine, Crescent Lake, Deer Lake, Del Rio Mine, Drumlummen Point, Drumlummen Ridge, Fawn Lake, Frogtown, Grave Ajax Mine, Half Acre Lake, Horseshoe Lake, Hump Lake, Humptown, Hurst Lake, Jumbo Camp, Jumbo Mine, Lucky Lad Mine, Mineral Hill, Mirror Lake, Mother Lode Mine, Oregon Butte, Oregon Butte Lake, Quartzite Butte, Quartzite Lake, Quartzite Ridge, Round Lake, Ruby Lake, Saint Louis Mine, Shining Butte, Shining Lake, Square Lake, Tepee Flats, Vesuvius Mine, Scotts Bluff, Calendar, Concord, Squaw Meadow, Concord Landing Strip (historical)