Classic USGS Islesboro Maine 7.5'x7.5' Topo Map
Historical USGS topographic quad map of Islesboro in the state of Maine. Typical map scale is 1:24,000, but may vary for certain years, if available. Print size: 24" x 27"
This quadrangle is in the following counties: Hancock, Waldo.
The map contains contour lines, roads, rivers, towns, and lakes. Printed on high-quality waterproof paper with UV fade-resistant inks, and shipped rolled.
Contains the following named places: Abrams Mountain, Ames Cove, Beech Hill, Billys Shore, Birch Point, Bobs Point, Bounty Cove, Broad Cove, Broad Point, Buring Point, Cals Beach, Islesboro Central School, Charlottes Cove, Coombs Cove, Cradle Cove, Crockett Branch, Crow Cove, Dark Harbor, Dark Harbor, Ducktrap Harbor, Durham State Forest, Fire Island, Fire Island, Flat Island, Gooseberry Point, Great Spruce Head, Hewes Point, Islesboro, Islesboro Ferry, Islesboro Harbor, Islesboro Island, Jackson Hill, Jobs Mountain, Joes Rock, Jones Cove, Kedears Hill, Keller Point, Kellys Cove, Kissel Point, Knowlton Hill, Little Harbor, Little Island, Lobster Rock, Long Ledge Cove, Maple Grove Cemetery, Meadow Pond, North Islesboro, Northeast Point, Northport, Pebble Beach, Mount Percival, Philbrook Cove, Philbrook Head, Priest Hill, Ram Island, Sabbathday Harbor, Saturday Cove, Saturday Cove Cemetery, Seal Harbor, Seal Island, Seven Hundred Acre Island, Shattuck Point, Shaw Brook, Sherman Point, Shipyard Point, Sprague Cove, Spruce Head, Spruce Island, Temple Heights, The Bluff, The Bluffs, The Gut, The Narrows, Thorn Plum Point, Thrumcap, Wales Beach, Warren Island, Wrights Cove, Hewes Ledge, Crows Nest, Ruder Cove, Gilkey Harbor, Grindel Point, Barley Ledge, Haddock Ledge, Hewes Ledge, Long Ledge, Sprague Ledge, Islesboro Airport, Town of Islesboro, Town of Northport, Islesboro Volunteer Fire Department, Northport Volunteer Fire Department, Islesboro Volunteer Ambulance Service, Northport First Responders - Ambulance, Alice L Pendleton Library, Islesboro Post Office