Classic USGS Moodyville Tennessee 7.5'x7.5' Topo Map
Historical USGS topographic quad map of Moodyville in the states of Tennessee, Kentucky. Map scale may vary for some years, but is generally around 1:24,000. Print size is approximately 24" x 27"
This quadrangle is in the following counties: Clinton, Fentress, Pickett.
The map contains contour lines, roads, rivers, towns, and lakes. Printed on high-quality waterproof paper with UV fade-resistant inks, and shipped rolled.
Contains the following named places: Adkins Ridge, Amonette Cemetery, Asbury, Asbury Chapel, Back Creek, Back Creek School, Backbone Ford, Beatty Mill, Begley Branch, Boiling Spring, Buck Mountain, Caney Creek, Cedar Grove, Cedar Hill School, Chanute, Chanute Campbell Cemetery, Chanute School, Chapman Branch, Clark Cemetery, Clark School, Commissioner District 1, Conley Crossroads, Cooks Mill, Davidson, Davidson Cemetery, Davidson School, Delk Cemetery, Double Top Mountain, Dry Creek, Dry Creek School, Duncan Sink, Edgefield Church, Etter, Etter Baptist Church, Etter School, Fairview Cemetery, Falling Waters Hollow, Flowers Cemetery, Flowers-Zachary Cemetery, Franklin Creek, Garrett Cemetery, Gilreath Mill, Golman Mountain, Hildreth Knob, Holbert Creek, Huddleston Cemetery, Huddleston Knob, Lick Creek, Littoral Mountain, Moodyville, Moodyville Baptist Church, Moodyville School, Mount Airy, Mount Union, Mount Union School, Mullins Cemetery, Okra, Paggett Cemetery, Parker, Parker School, Parris - Riley Cemetery, Pickett County, Piles Branch, Poore Cemetery, Poore Knob, Porter Poole Mill, Pulse Cemetery, Pulse Mill, Rains Store, Reagan and Gibson Mine, Rector Cemetery, Red Hill, Red Hill Church, Red Hill Methodist Church, Red Hill School, Regan Knob, Rich Cemetery, Riley Ford, Russell Cemetery, Russell Ridge, Scott Rich Cemetery, Scroggins Cemetery, Shadow Cemetery, Sinking Spring Church, Smith - Koger Cemetery, South Ford, South Lick Creek Branch, Static, Static Division, Step Gap, Stephens Cemetery, Stephens Point, Sulphur Springs, Town Branch, Travis Cemetery, United Church, Upchurch Cemetery, Widow Creek, Williams School, Wright Branch, Wright Cemetery