Classic USGS Rio Grande Ohio 7.5'x7.5' Topo Map
Historical USGS topographic quad map of Rio Grande in the state of Ohio. Map scale may vary for some years, but is generally around 1:24,000. Print size is approximately 24" x 27"
This quadrangle is in the following counties: Gallia, Jackson.
The map contains contour lines, roads, rivers, towns, and lakes. Printed on high-quality waterproof paper with UV fade-resistant inks, and shipped rolled.
Contains the following named places: Allen Hall, Anderson Cemetery, Anniversary Hall, Beman Cemetery, Bethana Cemetery, Bethesda Cemetery, Bethlehem Cemetery, Boyd Hall, Brush Cemetery, Brush Ridge, Calhoun Bridge, Calvary Cemetery, Calvary Church, Carmel Cemetery, Carmel Church, Centerville Fire Department, Cherry Fork, Cherry Ridge, City of Centerville, Cooper Hollow, Cooper Hollow Wildlife Area, Davis Hall, Dixon Run Cemetery, E E Davis Career Center, Ebenezer Cemetery, Ebenezer Church, Edna, Edna Post Office, Esther Allen Greer Museum, Fine and Performing Arts Center, Florence Evans Building, Ghee Bridge, Gilboa Cemetery, Hill Cemetery, Holcomb Hollow, Holzer Hall, Hungry Hollow, James A Rhodes Student Center, Jeanette Albiez Davis Library, Keeton Cemetery, Keeton Run, Keystone Lookout Tower, Koontz Cemetery, Koontz Church, L M Berry Center, Lackey Cemetery, Lackey Ridge, Lewis Cemetery, Lewis Turkey Farm, Little Indian Creek, Long Cemetery, McNeal Cemetery, Moulton Hall, Mount Tabor Cemetery, New Zion Cemetery, Orpheus, Orpheus Post Office, Paul R Lyne Physical Education Center, Pleasant Valley, Plum Run, Price Cemetery, Rehobeth Cemetery, Richards Brothers Fruit Farm, Rio Grande, Rio Grande College, Rio Grande Elementary School, Rio Grande Fire Department, Rio Grande Post Office, Rio Grande Reservoir, Rio Grande Reservoir Dam, Rio Grande Village Police Department, Robert S Wood Hall, Shilo Cemetery, Simpson Chapel Methodist Church, Smoky Hollow, Spring Run, Stanley L Evans Athletic and Recreation Field, Thurman, Thurman Cemetery, Thurman Post Office, Thurman United Methodist Church, Township of Bloomfield, Township of Huntington, Township of Raccoon, Vega, Vega Cemetery, Vega Church, Village of Centerville, Village of Rio Grande, ZIP Code: 45685