Classic USGS Tollgate Oregon 7.5'x7.5' Topo Map
Historical USGS topographic quad map of Tollgate in the state of Oregon. Map scale may vary for some years, but is generally around 1:24,000. Print size is approximately 24" x 27"
This quadrangle is in the following counties: Umatilla, Union.
The map contains contour lines, roads, rivers, towns, and lakes. Printed on high-quality waterproof paper with UV fade-resistant inks, and shipped rolled.
Contains the following named places: Bald Mountain, Bear Creek, Bear Creek Guard Station, Bear Trap Canyon, Blue Mountain Lutheran Bible Camp, Boulder Ridge, Box Canyon, Bryson Spring, Burnt Cabin Gulch, Coyote Ridge, Cub Spring, Deadman Gulch, Deadman Spring, Gabriel Spring, Kees Canyon, Langdon Lake, Langdon Lake Dam, Lodgepole Spring, Low Ridge, McIntyre Lookout, Morning Creek, Rimrock Ridge, Rodgers Gulch, Rodgers Ridge, Skiphorton Creek, Spout Spring, Spout Springs Lookout Tower, Spout Springs Ski Area, Sugar Spring, Swamp Creek Corral, Swede Canyon, Swede Spring, Table Creek, Table Glade, Table Spring, Target Meadows, Target Meadows Campground, Tollgate, Tollgate Guard Station, Tollgate Post Office, Tollgate Work Camp, Tollgate Work Center, Trail Ridge, Tye Canyon, Whisky Spring, Wild Woman Spring, Woodward Recreation Site