
Punta Verraco Puerto Rico US Topo Map

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2018 topographic map quadrangle Punta Verraco in the state of Puerto Rico. Scale: 1:20000. Based on the newly updated USGS 7.5' US Topo map series, this map is in the following counties: Guayanilla, Gu��nica, Pe��uelas, Yauco. The map contains contour data, water features, and other items you are used to seeing on USGS maps, but also has updated roads and other features. This is the next generation of topographic maps. Printed on high-quality waterproof paper with UV fade-resistant inks.

Quads adjacent to this one:
West: Guanica
Northwest: Sabana Grande
North: Yauco
Northeast: Penuelas
East: Punta Cucharas

Contains the following named places: Arrecife Fanduco, Arrecife Guayanilla, Arrecife Unitas, Bahia de la Ballena, Bahia Guayanilla, Ballena Trail, Barina Barrio, Barrio Indios, Boca Barrio, Bosque Estatal de Guanica, Campamento Borinquen, Cayo Maria Langa, Cayo Mata, Cayos de Cana Gorda, Central San Francisco, Cerro Toro, Cobanas Trail, Cueva Trail, Escuela Arturo Lluberas, Gilligans Island, Granados Trail, Gutieriez Trail, Indios, Indios Comunidad, Isla Ballena, La Covana, La Hoya Trail, Lluberas Trail, Media Quijada, Meseta Trail, Playa de Tamarindo, Puerto de Guayanilla, Punta Ballena, Punta Gotay, Punta Guayanilla, Punta Vaquero, Punta Ventana, Punta Verraco, Rio Yauco, Velez Trail, Vigia Trail