Sagle Idaho US Topo Map
2020 topographic map quadrangle Sagle in the state of Idaho. Scale: 1:24000. Based on the newly updated USGS 7.5' US Topo map series, this map is in the following counties: Bonner. The map contains contour data, water features, and other items you are used to seeing on USGS maps, but also has updated roads and other features. This is the next generation of topographic maps. Printed on high-quality waterproof paper with UV fade-resistant inks.
Quads adjacent to this one:
West: Morton
Northwest: Happy Fork Gap
North: Sandpoint
Northeast: Oden Bay
East: Talache
Southeast: Minerva Peak
South: Cocolalla
Southwest: Careywood
Contains the following named places: Algoma, Bimetallic Ridge, Bonner County EMS Station 3, Bridgeview Creek, Butler Mountain, Cocolalla Lake, Cocolalla Lake Access Area, Cocolalla Post Office, Dover Post Office, Dufort, Fry Creek, Heath Lake, Hickman Creek, Hope and Faith Shaft, Lignite, Mirror Lake Access, Mirror Lake Access Area, Murphy Bay, Murphy Slough, Osprey Nests Viewpoint, Reed Hill, Sagle, Sagle Community Hall, Sagle Elementary School, Sagle Post Office, Sagle Slough, Sandpoint Fish Hatchery, Selkirk Fire Sagle Station, Shepherd Lake, Shepherd Lake Access Area, Springy Point, Springy Point Campground, Tank Hill, Westmond, Westmond Cemetery, Westmond Creek, ZIP Codes: 83825, 83860